Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Conserves 49,000 tonnes of wood per year and 22 hours save per month.

Hydrologic helps thousands of Cambodians access clean water while creating a range of additional benefits. When purifiers replace boiling, it results in fewer respiratory illnesses as smoky wood burning is no longer required. Providing clean water to families is also essential to combatting diarrheal illness, a major health issue afflicting young children. By filtering water instead of boiling it over a wood burning fire, purifiers protect Cambodia’s forests. Forests are important stores of carbon and critical to the health of ecosystems and local livelihoods. Hydrologic’s purifiers protect 230 hectares of Cambodian forest every year. That’s 320 football pitches worth of protected habitat. By spending spending less time gathering fuel and less income purchasing it, annual household savings total $73 compared to those not using a filter.

Support this project

This project generates carbon credits by reducing CO2e emissions. While the funds received by the project are payment for its environmental outcomes, it also benefits the aforementioned development goals. Recognizing these co-benefits allows us to more accurately measure the project’s total contributions beyond its climate benefit. By purchasing carbon credits, you will enable Hydrologic to continue researching and developing purifier technology and train local producers and distributors, further scaling up the project’s impact.

More information
To support Hydrologic by purchasing carbon credits, contact Nexus: contact@nexusfordevelopment.org.
Additional information is available through this project’s Markit profile, and on the Nexus website.

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