Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The community is no longer worried about bacteria and waterborne diseases from unsafe water and confidence with their water filters to ensure safe and healthy water.

Positive Impact on Household Filter Use

Hydrologic has sold many thousand filters to many villages in Kampong Speu to use. The effort is part of a Water and Sanitation by this company benefiting the people in the remote areas.

We have seen that through the monitoring and home visits by the Project Staff many families have kept the filters in good working conditions cleaning them when necessary as well as putting them in the appropriate areas of their houses and villages. The community is satisfied with the water filters enabling them to drink safe and clean water as they see the differences between filtered water and unfiltered water from the wells, hand pumps and local ponds.

The community is no longer worried about bacteria and waterborne diseases from unsafe water and
confidence with their water filters to ensure safe and healthy water. People have noticed a decline in health problems since the installation of water filters for their communities. With smiling and holding plastic brush in purpose to clean the filter, Mrs. Pin Manny, 31 years, lives in Cham Barksar village, Rung Reourng commune, Thporng district, Kampong Speu province shares her experience with using filtered water at home: “before I always drank water from the well without boiling it or purifying it. I usually had diarrheal as well as my children did. With this sickness I spent a lot of money for medicine and care. Since Hydrologic provided education on using clean and safe water, hygiene and sanitation to my community are now able to access safe purified water….I am now becoming healthier…”

With Supper Rabbit Filter Mrs. Seng An, 52 years old with 5 members, setting on the bamboo bed
and living in Kuok Sralau village, Chong Cheach commune, Dambae district, Tboung Khmum province shares experiences to Project Staff that: “it is difficult for me and my family members access to safe drinking water at home because there is no NGO come to promote about water and sanitation program. My children and I drunk raw water from jar and sometimes boiling but I sometime difficult to boil water because it takes a lot of time to wait until water gets cool. Now, I am happy and I stopped think about boiling water anymore because I have Ceramic Water Purifier at home and my family can drink safe drinking water and I have time to do house’s work”.

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